Rik Peels

Real name: 
Rik Peels studied philosophy and theology at the Theological University Apeldoorn (the Netherlands), the VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Notre Dame University (IN, USA), and Merton College at Oxford University (United Kingdom). He wrote his PhD dissertation on the ethics of belief. He has published on the limits of science, responsible belief, the cognitive consequences of sin and grace, and ignorance. Previously, he worked for IFES in the Netherlands as the national coordinator of The Veritas Forum. He is now a researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. For more, see www.rikpeels.nl.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Does the Scale of the Universe Count against God's Existence?
Rik Peels Philosophy 00:00:00 1,895 13 Jan 2017
Ten Arguments for Scientism
Rik Peels Science 00:00:00 3,000 22 May 2016
Does God Have a Sense of Humour?
Rik Peels TheologyGod 00:00:00 3,138 31 May 2015
Is God Jealous?
Rik Peels Theology › ... › Character of God 00:00:00 3,359 28 May 2014
What Motivates Atheists and How Christians Can Respond
Rik Peels Philosophy › ... › Epistemology 00:00:00 2,748 28 May 2013
Non-Argumentative Motivations for Atheism
Rik Peels Philosophy › ... › Epistemology 00:00:00 2,935 28 May 2013