Nanette Helm

Real name: 
Nanette Helm is a former public school teacher with her BA and Master of Education. She is married with three adult children who are walking with the Lord. She has led a Mom’s in Touch prayer ministry and helped lead a church prayer ministry for many years. For the past 26 years she has helped lead a Bible Study Fellowship class through a number of roles. Currently she is the teaching leader teaching the book of Revelation to a class of 700 women on the west side of Indianapolis.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What is the relation between God’s faithfulness and our faith?
Nanette Helm Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 3,865 31 May 2015
How can I help others stand firm in faith?
Nanette Helm Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 2,080 31 May 2015
How should I approach God in prayer?
Nanette Helm Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 2,375 31 May 2015
How can I stand firm in faith?
Nanette Helm Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 2,414 31 May 2015
Why should I persevere in prayer when it seems like God doesn’t want to answer my prayer?
Nanette Helm Discipleship › ... › Prayer 00:00:00 4,909 31 May 2015