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Lizzie Coyle
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Lizzie Coyle is the Youth and Schools Outreach Officer and a Research Assistant at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge (UK). She has also been working as an assistant to the Test of FAITH resource programme since September 2013. Lizzie holds a degree from Cambridge University specialising in Evolutionary and Behavioural Biology and also covering Geology and the History and Philosophy of Science. She is passionate about the communication and public understanding of the interactions of science and faith and regularly participates in formal and informal discussion of the science and faith dialogue. Lizzie has worked with children and young people for many years and regularly provides lessons, workshops, and talks on science and faith for children, young people, and students.Lizzie is heavily involved in her lively and growing church in Cambridge, particularly in her roles as a worship leader, children’s worship pastor, and youth band coordinator. She is also involved in a number of other areas including the young adults, hospitality, and community outreach programmes.