Anna Gnatyshyna

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Anna Gnatyshyna has been involved in youth ministry and Bible study groups for the last 10 years. Several weeks of studies spent in Israel became the major turning point that led to a lifelong dedication to Bible study and teaching. She has a BA in theology and an MA in biblical counseling. Anna has served with IFES Eurasia (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) for 6 years. Later she started to work as Ministry and Operations Coordinator of Eurasia for OneHope, where the main focus is to engage the younger generation with God’s Word. Her passion is ancient Near Eastern cultural studies, which helps to brighten up the Bible teaching and make the Bible reading a relevant, life-changing, and vibrant experience for readers. Currently she lives in Ukraine.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How Do People Change? Redemptive Relations in Discipleship
Anna Gnatyshyna Discipleship › ... › Flesh and Spirit 00:00:00 708 17 May 2021