Darrell Bock

Real name: 
Darrell L. Bock is Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. He also serves as Professor for Spiritual Development and Culture for the Seminary’s Center for Christian Leadership. His special fields of study involve hermeneutics, the use of the Old Testament in the New, Luke-Acts, the historical Jesus, gospel studies and the integration of theology and culture. He has served on the board of Chosen People Ministries for almost a decade and was just appointed to the board at Wheaton College. He is a graduate of the University of Texas (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.), and the University of Aberdeen (Ph.D.). He has had four annual stints of post doctoral study at the University of Tübingen, the second through fourth as an Alexander von Humboldt scholar (1989-90, 1995-96, 2004-05, 2010-2011). He also serves as elder emeritus at Trinity Fellowship Church in Richardson, Texas, is editor at large for Christianity Today and served as President of the Evangelical Theological Society for the year 2000-2001. He is married to Sally and has two daughters (both married), a son, and two grandsons. Books: His publications include Breaking the Da Vinci Code (which made the New York Times Best Seller List for Hardback Non-Fiction in May 2004), Studying the Historical Jesus (Baker), Jesus according to Scripture (Baker), a two volume commentary on Luke and a one volume commentary on Acts for the BECNT series (Luke 1:1-9:50; Luke 9:51-24:53; Acts, Baker), Luke: The NIV Application Commentary (Zondervan), Luke (The IVP New Testament Commentary), Purpose-Directed Theology: Getting our Priorities Right in Evangelical Controversies (IVP), Proclamation From Prophecy and Pattern (Sheffield), The Missing Gospels (Thomas Nelson), Dethroning Jesus: Exposing Popular Culture’s Quest to Unseat the Biblical Christ (Thomas Nelson), and Mark (for the New Living Bible translation Cornerstone series). He is a co-contributor to Progressive Dispensationalism (Baker). He has essays in Bibliotheca Sacra, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Bulletin for Biblical Research and Introducing New Testament Interpretation (Baker), Jesus Under Fire (Zondervan) and Witness to the Gospel: A Theology of Acts (Eerdmans). He is editor of Three Views of the Millennium and Beyond (Zondervan), Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus (Mohr/Siebeck and Eerdmans) and was a major contributor to Three Central Issues in Contemporary Dispensationalism, ed by Herbert W. Bateman, IV (Kregel), Jesus: Five Views, ed by James Beilby and Paul Eddy (IVP), Three Views on the Use of the Old Testament by the New, ed by Kenneth Berding and Jonathan Lundy (Zondervan), and Jesus the Messiah, ed by Herbert W Bateman IV (Kregel). He has served as a translation consultant to The Message, The New Living Translation, The NET Bible, The Voice, and The English Standard Version and as Associate Editor on a major work examining Jewish backgrounds to the Gospel of Mark that Bruce Chilton edited, A Comparative Handbook to the Gospel of Mark (Brill). The second of his study leaves in Germany produced a major monograph on Jesus’ judicial examination before the Jewish leadership entitled Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism and the Final Examination of Jesus (WUNT 2 106; Mohr-Siebeck/Baker). He is also the New Testament editor of A Biblical Theology of the New Testament (Moody Press). His most recent book is Recovering the Real Lost Gospel: Rediscovering the Gospel as Good News (Lifeway). He is on the Editorial Board for the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, out of Sheffield, England. Media: He has written opinion page or expertise pieces for the Dallas Morning News, Los Angeles Times and Kansas City Star, ABC News.com, Beliefnet.com, Human Events, Christianity Today Online, and Religion News Service. He is a frequent guest on interview shows and has offered theological background information for numerous publications and TV shows, including the DaVinci Code Special for ABC News. Topics have ranged from defining who an evangelicals are for the media, to questions surrounding Jesus studies and the gospels, to issues tied to eschatology, the Middle East and Israel, to how Christianity relates to other world religions (especially Judaism and Islam), Christian views of war, and how Christianity and culture interact. He also served as the Communications Director at the command center for Globalink sites at Lausanne-Capetown 2010.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
6 Key Texts on Cultural Engagement
Darrell Bock ApologeticsCultural 00:00:00 928 16 May 2021
Evaluating the Jesus Seminar
Darrell Bock Bible › ... › Jesus/New Testament 00:00:00 2,660 30 May 2005