Dirk Jongkind

Real name: 
Dirk Jongkind is the Academic Vice Principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge, and an Affiliated Lecturer and Cambridge University. His main scholarly interest is the text and language of the Greek New Testament. He is also the editor of the Tyndale House Greek New Testament.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How can knowledge of the Greek New Testament increase our trust in its authority?
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 1,399 24 May 2017
Why is it important that apostolic teaching preceded its textual preservation?
Dirk Jongkind BibleIntroduction to the Bible 00:00:00 1,958 24 May 2017
Why did God allow there to be textual variants in biblical manuscripts?
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 1,595 24 May 2017
What can we learn from copying errors about the transmission of the biblical text?
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 2,184 24 May 2017
How does the substance of non-canonical gospels betray their unreliability?
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Canon of Scripture 00:00:00 1,428 24 May 2017
Why can we be sure that the four Gospels are historical and authoritative?
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 1,818 24 May 2017
How should our doctrine of Scripture shape our approach to biblical languages and translation?
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 1,590 24 May 2017
How has the textual transmission of the Old and New Testaments differed?
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 1,936 24 May 2017
Introduction to the Greek New Testament
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 1,903 22 May 2017
Understanding the Times: A Theology of Textual Transmission
Dirk Jongkind Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 2,050 20 May 2017
