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Edward Brown
Real name:

Edward (Ed) Brown is the executive director of Care of Creation as well as the Lausanne Catalyst for Creation Care. In the latter role, he leads the Lausanne/WEA Creation Care Network and serves as the primary coordinator for the Lausanne/WEA Global Campaign for Creation Care and the Gospel, which has hosted 10 regional conferences since 2014 and touched almost 100 nations. Ed has a Master of Divinity degree from Gordon Conwell Seminary, and is the author of Our Father’s World: Mobilizing the Church to Care for Creation and When Heaven and Nature Sing: Exploring God’s Goals for His People and His World. He also contributed the Introduction and one chapter to Creation Care and the Gospel: Reconsidering the Mission of the Church. Ed’s passion is to see the global church accept the challenge of truly caring for God’s creation. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin (USA) with his wife, and has four adult children and two grandchildren.