Glynn Harrison

Real name: 
Glynn Harrison was formerly Professor and Head of Department of Psychiatry, at a university in the UK, where he was also a practicing consultant psychiatrist. Now, as an author and speaker, he is interested in issues at the interface between biblically-based faith and psychology, neuroscience, and psychiatry, as well as wider issues of culture and Christian worldview. His most recent book A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing turns a critical eye to the sexual revolution.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Re-Imagining a Biblical Culture of Sex and Human Relationships
Glynn Harrison Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 3,275 20 May 2017
The Challenge of Pornography
Glynn Harrison Counseling and Psychology 00:00:00 1,891 20 May 2017
What is the biblical foundation of a Christian approach to sex?
Glynn Harrison Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 1,730 20 May 2017
How can a Christian be redeemed from pornography?
Glynn Harrison Counseling and PsychologySexuality 00:00:00 1,749 20 May 2017
Is the push for same sex marriage part of the sexual revolution?
Glynn Harrison Counseling and Psychology 00:00:00 1,156 22 May 2016
Identity in Christ: How to Realise What We Imagine
Glynn Harrison Counseling and PsychologyPersonality Theory 00:00:00 3,218 3 Jun 2015
Identity Futures: The Cultural Undermining of Personal Identity
Glynn Harrison Counseling and PsychologyPersonality Theory 00:00:00 3,310 3 Jun 2015
Wired for God: How Our Brains Predispose Us to Spiritual Awareness
Glynn Harrison ScienceChristianity and Science 00:00:00 3,136 1 Jun 2015
Understanding and Critiquing the Modern Ideas of Self and Identity
Glynn Harrison Counseling and PsychologyPersonality Theory 00:00:00 3,126 1 Jun 2015
The Sexual Revolution and the Christian Response - Leader to Leader Interview
Glynn Harrison EthicsChristian Ethics 00:00:00 2,699 30 May 2015
