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Harald Jung
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Harald Jung is president of the Heidelberg Institute for International Studies and Leadership and professor and dean at Liebenzell International University (IHL) (both Germany). He studied economics and theology in Mainz, Frankfurt (Main), Oberursel, and Heidelberg, and completed his PhD at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland). After working in business consulting (LSP Mainz/Rüsselsheim), he became assistant professor at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena (School of Theology and School of Behavioral Sciences). He is also a trained business coach, and had different teaching positions such as at the VFH Wiesbaden and the FH Nordhausen. Between 2009 and 2011, he first taught at the Theological Seminary of the Liebenzell Mission, and has been professor for ethics and social teaching at Liebenzell International University since 2011. There, he was the founding program director of the newly developed undergraduate program "Theology/Social Works in an Intercultural Context" and is currently the dean for research and university cooperation. He also is a member of the advisory board of scholars of the Tangens Institute for Cultural Hermeneutics and Research of Living Environments, Marburg (since 2013), vice president of the German Society for the Promotion of Economics and Ethics, (GWE), Mainz, and together with Prof Chr. Mueller (Univ. of Muenster), co-editor of the Journal of Markets and Ethics. Additional information: