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Pavel Hanes
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Pavel Hanes was awarded an MA in Theology by the Lutheran Theological Faculty in Bratislava (1977-1982). He became a Baptist pastor in August 1982 and served as a pastor for nearly 11 years in the north of Slovakia (1982-1993). In 1993 he was invited to teach at the Theological Mission Seminary (now Department of Theology and Religious Eduation) in Banska Bystrica. In the beginning of the school’s existence he taught Church History, Greek and Missiology. Later he began to teach the Old Testament subjects and Philosophy. In 2002 he received his PhD (Systematic Theology and Old Testament) from the Lutheran Theological Faculty in Bratislava and in 2007 a ThDr (Philosophical Issues for Theologians) from Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica. In 2009, after the successful defence of his habilitation research thesis (Theology of Catastrophe According to the Book of Job), he became an associate professor, and started to do more teaching and training in churches mainly in Slovakia.