Richard Buggs

Real name: 
Richard Buggs is Professor of Evolutionary Genomics at Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) and a Senior Research Leader at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. His research on genetics has been published in journals including Nature, Current Biology and Evolution. Much of his work takes methods developed for the analysis of the human genome and applies them to the genomes of trees. From 2013-2016 he led a twelve-week teaching module Human Genetics and Genomics for final year Biomedicine undergraduates at QMUL. He holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford and received his undergraduate education at the University of Cambridge, where he was elected Bateman Scholar at Trinity Hall and gained a first class Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Adam, Eve, and Human Genetic Diversity
Richard Buggs ScienceUnderstanding Genesis 1 to 3 00:00:00 1,297 24 May 2020