Tony Watkins

Real name: 
Tony Watkins is a speaker, writer, and researcher on media and the Bible. He works alongside several organisations including Damaris Norway and the Lausanne Media Engagement Network (as Network Coordinator). He is doing doctoral research on the relationship between the biblical prophets and today’s media and is an adjunct lecturer at Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communications, Norway. Tony has written, or co-written, several books including "Focus: The Art and Soul of Cinema" and "Dark Matter: A Thinking Fan’s Guide to Philip Pullman." Tony and his family are involved in Above Bar Church, Southampton.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How Should Christians Interact With Culture? H. Richard Niebuhr's Christ and Culture
Tony Watkins ApologeticsCultural 00:00:00 898 16 May 2021
Ministry and Mission in a Media World
Tony Watkins Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesMedia 00:00:00 1,162 27 May 2020
Making Sense: The Role of Worldviews and How We Can Engage with Them
Tony Watkins ApologeticsIntroduction 00:00:00 1,074 27 Nov 2019
Echoes of the Bible: How Its Themes Pervade Today's Movies and TV
Tony Watkins Culture and Art 00:00:00 1,844 19 May 2019
Under the Skin: Discovering Worldviews Beneath the Surface of Media Messages
Tony Watkins Culture and Art 00:00:00 1,205 19 May 2019
How to Navigate a Fake News World
Tony Watkins Communication, Journalism, Media Studies 00:00:00 1,141 14 Aug 2018
How to Navigate a Fake News World
Tony Watkins Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 2,400 23 May 2018
What are some practical ways to distinguish between real and fake news?
Tony Watkins Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 821 20 May 2018
How has the spread of fake news led to social fragmentation?
Tony Watkins Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 1,080 20 May 2018
How have changes in the media landscape led to the rise of fake news?
Tony Watkins Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 913 20 May 2018
