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Contrarian Church Planting
Creative Innovation for the Advancement of the Kingdom of God Through the Starting of New Churches
There is much to be said in favor of the conventional. Jesus was conventional. “As was his custom” he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath (Luke 4:14). Most of church planting literature is how-to literature; helping us step by step, in very conventional manner, plant churches. But Jesus was very often unconventional, uncustomary, contrarian in both his teaching and his life-style. We need to carry over the contrarian character of Jesus into the realm of church planting. To be contrarian is to leave the beaten path trod by most church planters in order to find new pathways of expanding the Kingdom of God and thereby experience more fruit. This webinar will help you think outside of your church planting box and hopefully provide you with new innovative fuel in your ministry.
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