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Cultural Intelligence: How to Understand and Communicate in Today’s World

Date & time: 26 Feb 2025, 18:00 GMT | Speaker: Junias Venugopal | Duration: 1 hour
Junias Venugopal's picture

In our globalized world, we are increasingly rubbing shoulders with people from other cultures, ethnicities, and countries. Many business and ministry leaders used to take months to learn the culture of a country in order to engage effectively. Does working with others who have significant cultural differences require this kind of intensive learning? In this Webinar, we will learn about an aptitude/skill called Cultural Intelligence (or CQ) and see how understanding and developing Cultural Intelligence can equip Christian leaders to engage effectively with people, not just from one, but from multiple cultures. 

Event ended

Date & time: 26 Feb 2025, 18:00 GMT
Event ended
Recording of the webinar may be available in the Webinar recordings after the event.