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Do Jews Need Jesus or Not?
In 2016, the Synod of the EKD declared, “Christians are not show Israel [i.e. the Jewish people] the way to God and His salvation.” This is not an isolated incident. A growing number of both nominal and theologically conservative Christians in Europe and in the United States have renounced Jewish evangelism of late. Some suggest that sharing the Gospel with Jewish people is anti-Semitic. Others argue that God’s covenant with Abraham is all that a Jewish person needs in order to be saved.
Do Jews need Jesus, or not? This webinar will examine the biblical foundation for bringing the Gospel to the Jewish people. It will also address sensitive and uncomfortable questions such as:
- Is Jewish evangelism anti-Semitic?
- Has the tragic presence of anti-Jewish teaching in parts of the church made it impossible for Christians to share God’s message of love with His ancient people?
- Has the Holocaust made it impossible for Jewish people to consider the Good News?
- How does a refutation of Jewish evangelism negatively impact the cause of world evangelization?
NOTE: The main registration link is temporarily not working. To register for this webinar, please click here:
Avi Snyder serves as the European Director of Jews for Jesus, an international mission agency dedicated to proclaiming the gospel to the Jewish people in a direct and loving manner. Avi was raised in a Jewish home in New York and came to a saving faith in Jesus in 1977 with the help of a Jews for Jesus tract and the forthright witness of Christian friends. He graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary, the School of World Mission, with a master’s degree in missiology. Avi has served with Jews for Jesus since 1978 and has provided leadership for the ministry in Los Angeles, New York, and London, as well as establishing the work in the former Soviet Union where he lived for seven years. He and his wife Ruth currently live in Budapest, Hungary.
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