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Why Spiritual Disciplines are Necessary in Church Planting

Date & time: 23 Mar 2015, 18:00 GMT | Speaker: Dietrich Schindler | Duration: 1 hour 30 min
Topic: Evangelism
Dietrich Schindler's picture

The power in the life of the church planter is his or her inner life. Those of us who plant churches need infusions of inner strength whose source goes beyond what our quiet times can give us.  As we begin to practice spiritual disciplines we come to realize that they have both a profound effect on our hearts and on the quality of our ministry. 

What are these disciplines? How do we envelope them into our lives for more fullness and flourishing?

Event ended

Date & time: 23 Mar 2015, 18:00 GMT
Event ended
Recording of the webinar may be available in the Webinar recordings after the event.