Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What is the relationship between suffering and justice in superhero stories?
Khaldoun Sweis Communication, Journalism, Media Studies › ... › Film 00:00:00 1,527 21 May 2017
What does it mean to partner with young people in missions?
Evi Rodemann EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 888 21 May 2017
What are some current cultural reasons that people reject the Gospel in the West?
Bruce Little EvangelismCommunicating the Gospel 00:00:00 849 21 May 2017
How can Christians communicate the Christian worldview through the media?
Peter Saunders Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesMedia 00:00:00 1,374 21 May 2017
What does it mean to develop spiritual muscle?
Ann Blaser Leadership 00:00:00 964 21 May 2017
What role does Jesus’s authority play in the argument that the Bible is communication from God?
Stefan Gustavsson Bible › ... › Authority of Scripture 00:00:00 2,198 21 May 2017
How does Dawkins fail to refute the evidence for design?
Peter S. Williams ApologeticsPhilosophical 00:00:00 1,556 21 May 2017
What standard of sexual integrity does God set for Christian leaders?
John Stevens LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 1,492 21 May 2017
How can we expose the unstable foundations of secularism in a loving manner?
Khaldoun Sweis ApologeticsCultural 00:00:00 1,479 21 May 2017
What are some of the problems that Scripture poses to the intellectual life?
Bradley Green EducationIntroduction and Importance 00:00:00 1,323 21 May 2017
