Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How have new forms of media changed the way that information about science is delivered?
Kay Carter Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesJournalism 00:00:00 752 22 May 2018
What are some practical reasons that churches and ministry leaders should talk about money?
Bert den Hertog DiscipleshipLiving the Truth 00:00:00 1,411 22 May 2018
How can we build trust with those we are evangelising?
Ed Doepel EvangelismCommunicating the Gospel 00:00:00 796 22 May 2018
What are some ways to engage people who are indifferent to the gospel?
David Novak ApologeticsBest Practices 00:00:00 714 22 May 2018
How can a leader’s poor spiritual health affect the health of their organization?
Jerry Root DiscipleshipLeadership: The Fruit of Maturity 00:00:00 2,164 22 May 2018
What is practical advice for ministry leaders to learn from failure and not be defeated by it?
Martin Robinson LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 518 22 May 2018
What false claims are often made about the history of Christianity?
Beth Peltola History › ... › Medieval 00:00:00 877 22 May 2018
How did David confront the reality of fear and anxiety?
Richard Winter Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 1,161 22 May 2018
What important roles can Christian artists play in the Church?
Charles David Kelley Culture and Art 00:00:00 1,156 22 May 2018
Why is it important to view yourself as a steward of a mission rather than the owner of a mission?
Dave Patty EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 698 22 May 2018
