Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Why is it important for Christians to communicate with Jehovah’s Witnesses lovingly and sincerely?
Pasi Turunen EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 2,107 23 May 2017
How can education be both God-centred and formational for the students?
Atef Gendy EducationIntroduction and Importance 00:00:00 1,200 23 May 2017
What is the biblical basis for finding joy in the single life?
Tina Tschage DiscipleshipLoving People 00:00:00 937 23 May 2017
Why is it so important to clearly define terms when speaking with a Jehovah’s Witness?
Pasi Turunen EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 2,165 23 May 2017
How can Christians use biblical stories in their own devotions?
Peter Mead BibleBiblical Teaching and Preaching 00:00:00 1,070 23 May 2017
How can we place our hope beyond our failures and frustrations?
Josef Pavlinak Leadership 00:00:00 873 23 May 2017
How should the treatment of depression differ according to its type?
Pablo Martinez Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 869 23 May 2017
What is the difference between listening and hearing?
Duane Elmer LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 1,233 23 May 2017
How can we help young adults see the relevance of reading scripture to their life?
Simon Lennox Bible 00:00:00 1,160 23 May 2017
How does confession and celebration keep us close to God?
Peter Mead DiscipleshipLoving God 00:00:00 1,150 23 May 2017
