Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
How have global missions changed over the last century?
Nana Yaw Offei Awuku EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 870 20 May 2018
What are the biggest challenges in global missions today?
Nana Yaw Offei Awuku EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 843 20 May 2018
What are the greatest opportunities in global missions today?
Nana Yaw Offei Awuku EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 706 20 May 2018
How does the mass migration of people help or hinder the spread of the gospel?
Nana Yaw Offei Awuku EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 696 20 May 2018
How do Christians in different parts of the world deal with persecution today?
Ramez Atallah Evangelism 00:00:00 550 20 May 2018
What is the role of Europe in today’s global church?
Nana Yaw Offei Awuku EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 1,829 20 May 2018
Why is this an exciting time in the history of the Church?
Nana Yaw Offei Awuku EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 974 20 May 2018
What can leaders learn from the story of Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15?
Nana Yaw Offei Awuku EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 730 20 May 2018
In what way is God on the move in the Americas?
Las Newman EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 885 19 May 2018
In what way is God on the move in Europe and Eurasia?
Las Newman EvangelismMission for God’s People 00:00:00 946 19 May 2018
