Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What are some common misconceptions that secular European audiences have about Christianity?
Espen Ottosen Politics Law and Government 00:00:00 686 22 May 2018
What is at the foundation of sharing the Gospel with others?
Ed Doepel EvangelismCommunicating the Gospel 00:00:00 803 22 May 2018
What lessons can revitalisers learn from the church at Ephesus?
David Brown LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 848 22 May 2018
What is the purpose of marketing communication?
Keith Ogorek Economics and BusinessMarketing 00:00:00 928 22 May 2018
How does the leadership communicate changes or a vision of renewal to the congregation?
Martin Robinson LeadershipChurch Leadership 00:00:00 859 22 May 2018
How did David confront the reality of fear and anxiety?
Richard Winter Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 1,161 22 May 2018
What can we learn from Jesus about how to comfort people?
Jeremy Marshall Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 704 22 May 2018
What important roles can Christian artists play in the Church?
Charles David Kelley Culture and Art 00:00:00 1,157 22 May 2018
How can a leader’s poor spiritual health affect the health of their organization?
Jerry Root DiscipleshipLeadership: The Fruit of Maturity 00:00:00 2,164 22 May 2018
How can mindfulness lead to stress reduction?
Richard Winter Counseling and PsychologyIndividual 00:00:00 954 22 May 2018
