Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Was the story of Jesus borrowed from pagan myths?
Pasi Turunen ApologeticsBest Practices 00:00:00 1,352 21 May 2018
What are some common causes of people leaving the Christian faith?
Paul Copan ApologeticsBest Practices 00:00:00 931 21 May 2018
How did the early church transform the culture of the Roman world?
Paul Copan HistoryHistory of Christianity 00:00:00 685 21 May 2018
What does the Great Commission tell us about Jesus’ way of making disciples?
Josef Pavlinak Discipleship › ... › Helping Others to Mature 00:00:00 2,510 21 May 2018
How did Kuyper understand the nature and importance of common grace?
Mateusz Wichary Politics Law and Government 00:00:00 516 21 May 2018
How do Roman Catholics view the Church as a sacred intermediary between God and humanity?
Leonardo De Chirico Theology › ... › Worship 00:00:00 783 21 May 2018
How do we maintain a healthy marriage?
Pablo Martinez Counseling and PsychologyMarital 00:00:00 955 21 May 2018
What is the true source of our joy in the Gospel?
Leonardo De Chirico Theology 00:00:00 853 21 May 2018
What themes do youth-oriented television programmes often convey?
Anne Solfrid Br... Communication, Journalism, Media Studies 00:00:00 820 21 May 2018
Why are the canon of the New Testament and the Rule of Faith evidence of apostolic authority?
Adam Szabados TheologyThe church 00:00:00 843 21 May 2018
