Politics Law and Government

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Human Rights and the Magna Carta
Dave Landrum Politics Law and GovernmentHistory 00:00:00 2,545 31 May 2015
Who Do European Laws Think Human Beings Are?
David McIlroy Politics Law and GovernmentLaw 00:57:06 2,791 15 Sep 2014
Christians and Public Engagement: Challenges and Strategies
David Fieldsend Politics Law and GovernmentDemocracy 00:00:00 2,869 15 Aug 2014
Principles into Practice: Case Studies in Engaging with Law and Society
Roxana Stanciu Politics Law and GovernmentAdvocacy and Politics 00:00:00 2,560 28 May 2014
European Democracy: The 2014 Elections from a Politician to a Lobbyist
David Fieldsend Politics Law and GovernmentAdvocacy and Politics 00:00:00 2,455 28 May 2014
The Implications of Our Calling: Serving in Office
Florica Chereches Politics Law and GovernmentAdvocacy and Politics 00:00:00 3,418 28 May 2014
The Impact of Equality Legislation on the Church in the EU
Roger Kiska Politics Law and GovernmentFreedom of Religion 00:00:00 2,537 26 May 2014
Human Trafficking: The Scourge of Modern-Day Slavery
Julia Doxat-Purser Politics Law and GovernmentAdvocacy and Politics 00:00:00 2,513 26 May 2014
How Does Good Theology Lead to Good Society, Law and Politics?
David Robertson Politics Law and GovernmentIntroduction 00:35:26 3,239 25 May 2014
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion
Nola Leach Politics Law and GovernmentFreedom of Religion 00:00:00 3,332 17 May 2014
