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Forum Leader Impacts and National Leaders
The European Leadership Forum exists to unite, equip and resource Evangelical leaders to renew the church and evangelize Europe. The Forum is a community of Evangelical leaders with the same convictions and strategy (Forum Convictions) toward the same goal (Forum Impacts).
We have Forum Core Convictions about
- how crucial Apologetics is,
- the importance of Discipleship to help believers grow to spiritual maturity,
- the recovery of a fully orbed biblical Leadership,
- our utter dependence on the Holy Spirit and
- that the Bible must be the framework for all teaching.
But what are we seeking to achieve with all of the Forum teaching and strategies? What are we trying to help all Forum participants to grow toward? Our goal is to live out the Forum Leaders Impacts.
The Forum Leader Impacts are a summary of biblical leadership. The first Leader Impacts are loving God and loving others as Jesus did. Biblical leaders help others grow to maturity in Christ. Biblical leaders teach with a biblical worldview. Biblical leaders Persuasively communicate the Gospel. Biblical leaders use their gifts for the glory of God. Biblical leaders lead healthy and multiplying churches and ministries throughout Europe.
But eventually, every Forum participant is asked to transition -- from being a consumer to becoming a contributor. If the growth stops with just leaders thriving in their own ministry, we would not have achieved what the Forum is all about.
The second half of the Leaders Impacts is focused on national Forum leaders loving, teaching, and mentoring Evangelical leaders in their country. In short, how can you unite, equip and resource Gospel leaders in your country?
Greg Pritchard, President of the Forum of Christian Leaders and Director of the European Leadership Forum, shares at the National Leaders Dinner at the 2023 European Leadership Forum.