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Christian Heritage Summer Schools 2015
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Christian Heritage Summer Schools 2015: Apologetics, Counselling and Theology
The Christian Heritage Summer Schools are week-long sessions designed to provide engaging and edifying teaching in Theology, Apologetics and Counselling. They are taught by seminary lecturers, but they are aimed at equipping ordinary Christians as well as pastors. The Christian Heritage Summer Schools are intentionally small scale and are held at Westminster College in Central Cambridge. They therefore provide an opportunity for encouragement from other Christians and a chance to experience all that the beautiful city of Cambridge has to offer.
Summer School of Apologetics Monday 29 June - Friday 3 July with Prof John Lennox, Dr Peter Williams and Andrew Fellows
This week is nearly sold out!
The Bible is becoming increasingly irrelevant to people’s lives with a growing distrust of both its truth and reliability. One of the major reasons for this is the corroding influence of naturalism, which so permeates society it seems almost inescapable. The 2015 Cambridge Summer School of Apologetics has been put together to address the claims of naturalism, to develop scholars, teacher and preachers that can challenge these issues and promote confidence in Biblical truth.
In pursuit of this aim, the 2015 Summer School of Apologetics comprises four key components:
- To lay the foundations for our week, Andrew Fellows will begin by looking at ourselves as apologists: what does it mean to commit to the full Lordship of Christ? What is the importance of developing a Christian mind? Building on this, Andrew will counter the naturalistic perception of what it means to be human. Are we just matter and does it matter? What indeed is a person and what does it mean to engage the whole person?
- Can we trust the Old Testament historically? Should we object to the Old Testament morally? What about the New Testament? Were the gospels really based on eye-witness accounts? Working at the forefront of Biblical research in Cambridge, Dr Peter Williams brings to bear new evidence and the latest thought in tackling these prevalent and critical questions.
- Professor John Lennox will offer an in-depth exposition on the Biblical account of Daniel. Today society tolerates the practice of Christianity in private and in church services, but increasingly it deprecates public witness. In rising to senior positions of administration, Daniel and his friends did not simply maintain their private devotion to God; they maintained a high-profile witness in a pluralistic society antagonistic to their faith. Across 4 lectures - 6 hours of teaching - Professor Lennox will share compelling insights into the witness of Daniel and his friends, unpacking further the themes of his latest book "Against the Flow: The Life and Witness of Daniel" (Monarch, released February 2015).
- It’s a common perception that science has squeezed God into a corner. Atheism, we are told, is the only intellectually tenable position, and any attempt to reintroduce God will impede the progress of science. Following his exposition of Daniel, Professor Lennox will explain why theism sits more comfortably with science than atheism, before turning his attention to the ever burning question of pain, suffering and a loving God. John will then discuss his encounters with the New Atheism, responding to their arguments, before opening up an entire session for your questions.
Summer School of Theology Monday 6 - Friday 10 July with Dr Jerram Barrs
The New Testament calls every Christian to grow in maturity. Our sanctification is expressed in increasing conformity to the likeness to Christ and growth in holiness. It is the work of God’s grace through faith. It is the fruit of Christ’s life of perfect obedience, his offering of himself, his resurrection from death, his ascension to the Father’s right hand and the pouring out of his Spirit.
But what is the impact of this saving work of Christ for us and on us? Does his work restore us or replace us, and if indeed it restores us rather than replaces us, what does this mean for the human mind, will, emotions and imagination? What place does God’s Law have as we are renewed by the power of Christ and the Spirit?
Led by Professor Jerram Barrs, the 2015 Cambridge Summer School of Theology will examine the doctrine of sanctification: how it is presented in Scripture and how God brings transformation into our lives.
Summer School of Counselling Monday 13-Friday 17 July with Dr Richard Winter
Designed for anyone who would like to develop understanding, discernment and practical application in caring and counselling, 'A Biblical Approach to Counselling' will examine the relationship between theology, psychology and counselling in order to establish a framework for Christian counselling. Theory and practice will be held hand in hand throughout, developing skills in listening, reflecting, paraphrasing, asking good questions and facilitating change.
For more information, please visit