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Short Talk

Union: A New Way to Offer Theological Education

Date recorded: 30 Jul 2014 | Speaker: Webinar Manager
Topic: Theology
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Union | 


About Union: Behind this website of theological resources is a bigger vision. WEST is pioneering a brand new way to offer theological education through Union.

Union massively reduces the cost of a traditional Bible college education, by stripping out the financial overheads of a college, and removing the need for students to relocate and live on site. It also removes the problem of churches losing their best young leaders when they move away to train. Union will provide everything from free resources to WEST degrees, establishing a learning relationship that will last for life.

Whether you’re a minister-in-training, a home-group leader, a student or simply hungry to know God and follow Christ, Union is for you.

Visit or follow us @uniontheology