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A Biblical and Theological Framework for Disciple-Making
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Historically, many organisations gradually and unintentionally shift from their original course and become something quite different in the following generations (e.g., Harvard University, the Y.M.C.A., etc.). The old is forgotten, even scorned; and the new, fully embraced and promoted. Jesus Christ never abolished or modified his strategy for world evangelisation or implied that the task could be accomplished through programmes or mass evangelism alone. Any possibility of success would ride on the commitment of those who believe in and practice “spiritual multiplication,” the exponential growth of the body of Christ that occurs when mature believers lead others to Christ and then disciple them until they themselves grow to maturity in Christ and are trained to effectively live out their faith before the watching world. Forming a solid biblical and theological foundation for discipleship will help us answer the question that every generation of believers must ask: Will my ministry be built upon pragmatic and methodological concerns or upon careful exegetical activity related to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ? Establishing a sound biblical and theological framework for discipleship will ensure that what we do and say in the name of Christ will have lasting value and preserve His strategy for lasting fruitfulness.