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Designing Relevant Media Strategies

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It’s tricky to stay relevant in a digital age. Technological and social advancements come and go faster than ever before, making it more crucial than ever to be a savvy media strategist. But how do we know what tools to use when they’re all evolving so quickly? Is content really king, or is it a matter of leveraging different social tools to stay ahead of the curve? In this talk, you learn the importance of media strategies – such as social media, email campaigns, websites, and search engine marketing – to become a relevant thought leader and organiser. This talk teaches how to truly connect on all landscapes of media from a business and social standpoint, and how global leaders utilize media strategies in order to share their ideas and missions. The talk explains the importance of finding the right platform for your audience, timing, and content originality. With an increased need to emphasize communication across a number of channels, this enhanced engagement will be key to designing and implementing relevant media strategies that have impact.