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God? What Is the Difference Between Yahweh and Allah?

Date recorded: 1 Jun 2015 | Speaker: Francesco Maggio | Event: ELF Ministry to Muslims Network
God? What Is the Difference Between Yahweh and Allah?
Islam | 
Allah | 
God | 
Yahweh | 


It is foundational to grasp what is at stake when we fudge the lines between Christian and Islamic theology. The question of 'who is God' has become the centre of much debate among Missiologists studying Islam. Confusion on this point obscures our evangelism. If we don't grasp the differences between the Muslim and Christian view of god, our 'methodologies' to Muslims can walk dangerously close to heresy. With such ambiguity in mission in general to Muslims, we need to address this topic with clarity and conviction, which in turn leads to confidence.