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Why Do So Many People Reject the Gospel and How Can We Respond?

Date recorded: 23 May 2017 | Speaker: Bruce Little
Topic: Evangelism
Why Do So Many People Reject the Gospel and How Can We Respond?


What do we do when people aren't interested in hearing the Gospel, when they are either antagonistic or apathetic? When faced with an audience that either rejects the God of the Bible or holds to a contrary worldview, evangelism often must appropriate the work of apologetics. An important part of apologetics is the work of pre-evangelism practiced by both Francis A. Schaeffer and C. S. Lewis. Pre-evangelism seeks to prepare the way for speaking the Gospel to those who either reject the Christian message or object to certain claims of Christianity. This is not a substitute for, but is in conjunction with the Holy Spirit in seeking to give honest answers to honest questions while presenting the Gospel of Christ. This talk seeks to demonstrate the importance of pre-evangelism.