Ralf Bergmann

Real name: 
Ralf Bergmann, born in 1962, is married and has three adult children, two children in-law and one grandchild. He received his degree in physics and a doctorate from German universities. He is or has been mainly involved in semiconductor physics, photovoltaics and optical technologies at several research institutions in Germany and Australia and has also worked in industrial research. Since 2008 he has been a professor and head of a research institute working on optical technologies and optoelectronics. Beyond his research, he is interested in defending the reasonableness of Christian faith, especially all the joint concerns of physics, philosophy, and theology as well as the relevance of Christian faith for modern western society. In 2019, he wrote the book Gott und die Erklärung der Welt (God and the explanation of the world), see https://erklaerung-der-welt.de/ and in 2021 he wrote Die freie Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde (The free society and its enemies), see http://www.professorenforum.de/ in remembrance of Karl Poppers famous book The open society and its enemies.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Worldviews, Christian Faith and Science – How Do They Relate?
Ralf Bergmann ScienceChristianity and Science 00:00:00 1,192 28 Oct 2020