Adam Szabados

Real name: 
Ádám Szabados is a Hungarian theologian and the leader of the Hungarian Evangelical Forum. Until 2017 he had been a pastor for 20 years. He is married to Dóra and has two adult sons. He studied English literature and linguistics at the University of Veszprém (MA equivalent, with honours), and theology at Schloss Mittersill Study Center (Diploma in Biblical Studies and Culture) and at Covenant Theological Seminary (ThM in Exegetical Theology). He received his PhD (summa cum laude) in the area of New Testament at Károli Reformed University. His study on the Reformational understanding of sin has been published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He wrote three other books: Erosz nyomában (Traces of Eros) (Harmat Publishing House, 2008), Az apostolok hagyománya (The Tradition of the Apostles) (KRE-L'Harmattan 2020; 2nd edition 2021), and Teológus a sakktáblán (Theologian on the Chessboard) (Luther-Harmat - 2021). Ádám also has a popular theological-apologetic website (
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Understanding and Responding to Culture
Adam Szabados Culture and Art 00:00:00 2,198 22 May 2016