
Information as the Foundation for Life

24 May 2024 | Peter Borger

The latest research in the origin of life, self-replication, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics demonstrates that the foundation of living systems is information. This talk explains why even the simplest possible cell requires significant quantities of externally provided information. We explore how cellular organisation is best understood within an engineering framework and how studies into life’s origin represent the earliest stages of the next great scientific revolution centred on the return of teleology to biology.

Interview: A Short Guide to Islam

26 May 2024 | Beth Peltola

In this talk, Emil Shehadeh interviews Beth Peltola about a biblical response to Isalm. When Christians read the Qur’an, they will notice how different it is from the Bible. The god it speaks about, the prophet it proclaims, and the way of life it encourages stand at odds with the core tenets of the Christian faith. This interview looks at topics of conversation, obstacles to discussions with Muslims, our theological differences, and a biblical response to Islam.

Learning from Europe's Leading Apologists and Evangelists

28 May 2024 | Lindsay Brown

What can we learn from some of Europe's leading apologists like John Stott, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Francis Schaeffer, Jurgen Spiess, Michael Green, and John Lennox? In this talk, Lindsay Brown reflects on years of partnership with these leading apologists. He shares insights, lessons learned, and best practices from these modern 'Apostle Pauls' who persuasively argued why the Gospel is true.

Doubt Your Doubts!

29 May 2024 | John Dickson

We live in an age of doubt. We question everything, from politicians to priests, to our own parents. ‘Trust’ itself is in freefall. In this session, we describe the different kinds of doubts we all face and encourage us to go further and doubt our doubts.

Uncovering the Truth About Islam's Historical Sources

26 May 2024 | Jay Smith

What do Muslims claim about Islam’s origins, and how credible are the sources? What does history reveal regarding Mecca’s existence? Who was Muhammad truly? 

This is part one in a series of four talks on 'Uncovering the Truth Behind Islam'.

1. The Truth About Historical Sources of Islam
This talk will explore when and where the Islamic Traditions were written and examine the problems that arise when these claims are brought under scrutiny. 

Uncovering the Truth About Mecca: Modern Opposition

26 May 2024 | Jay Smith

What do Muslims claim about Islam’s origins, and how credible are the sources? What does history reveal regarding Mecca’s existence? Who was Muhammad truly? 

This is part three in a series of four talks on 'Uncovering the Truth Behind Islam'.

3. The Truth About Mecca’s Origins
Continuing to analyse the city of Mecca, we will confront its origins, investigate surrounding cities, and get behind the truth of the Kaaba’s ‘Black Stone.’

The Art of Hearing God: The Creative Practice of Reflective Prayer

29 May 2024 | Joshua Masters

Whether you're a painter, writer, poet, dancer, musician, or any other creative soul seeking a deeper relationship with God, this interactive, collaborative talk engages our creative spirits as we learn to better hear from God and meditate on His Word. As we learn the art of reflective prayer, we will encourage one another to deepen our journey as Christian artists and bearers of God’s image (Imago Dei) in creation. Join us in this exploration of faith and artistic expression, as we seek to hear God’s heart through the lens of our unique creative gifts.

Walking Alongside Those Struggling with Anxiety

29 May 2024 | Helen Thorne-Allenson

About 1 in 6 people seek help from a doctor about their anxiety – 1 in 3 people talk about feeling anxious day by day. In our churches and our communities, there will be many wrestling with the physical, spiritual, and social outworking of its pain. As Christians, we long to help, but what can we do? In this talk we look at how God’s Word, God’s work and God’s people all play their part in walking alongside those who suffer—and see how faith brings real hope in an anxious world.

Exercising Authority: Principles for Emerging Leaders

27 May 2024 | Jen Charteris

Why do leaders exercise authority? What enables or works against the healthy use of authority in Christian leadership? This talk examines how a biblical worldview shapes the way we make decisions and how we can lead well when we lack formal authority.

The Vision and Process of Revitalisation

28 May 2024 | David Brown

Why is church revitalisation necessary? Why is it so difficult? What is the difference between revival and revitalisation? This talk presents some of the barriers to revitalisation, as well as statistics from the USA and Europe. We learn specific steps that we as leaders can take to encourage the revitalisation of our churches.

Questions to Ask Your Muslim Friends

26 May 2024 | Beth Peltola

When Christians read the Qur’an, they will notice how different it is from the Bible. The god it speaks about, the prophet it proclaims, and the way of life it encourages stand at odds with the core tenets of the Christian faith. It is in these differences that we can ask many questions of Islam. Muslims challenge Christians on three key topics – God, Jesus His Son, and the Bible. We, too, can ask Muslims about Allah, Muhammad and the Qur’an. Asking questions is the way of Jesus. In the Gospels, Jesus asked hundreds of questions that challenged preconceived notions and false ideas.

Explaining God Away: Christian Belief in a Scientific World

25 May 2024 | Sharon Dirckx

We live at a time in which scientific understanding is held in high esteem, with objective insights that reach into all areas of life. Many believe that religious beliefs, on the other hand, have only personal relevance even if they are sincerely held. There are many attempts to explain away Christian belief, using arguments from neuroscience, psychology and biology. This talk evaluates these arguments and shows how the Christian gospel remains as objectively true and authentically real as it has always been.