
Preaching the Power of Narrative

21 May 2023 | Andy Hamilton

The main ingredient in Mark’s Gospel is short, punchy narratives. As we look at the book's first chapters, what can we learn about the nature of narrative Gospel literature and how it changes lives? In this talk, we look at some narratives together to understand how they work and to consider how we might preach them most effectively.

Christ in You: How the Body Conceals and Reveals Pain

21 May 2023 | Ellsworth Lewis

What we call 'gut experience' includes bodily awareness of what Paul calls 'the bowels of Christ'. But interpretation of such experiences can be difficult, especially when there is a history of trauma or early childhood injury. Bessel Van der Kolk wrote that, in trauma, 'the body keeps the score'. But how does the body conceal, and potentially reveal, the score? And how can the Spirit help navigate and heal these deeper wounds? How does understanding this shape how we love and counsel others? 

Weathering the Storms: Spiritual Vitality over the Long Haul

21 May 2023 | Lindsay Olesberg

The author of Hebrews exhorts us to “run with endurance the race that is set before us.” But the storms of life, especially for those in ministry, threaten to throw us off course. Disappointments, opposition, and fatigue drain our spiritual vitality. This talk explores essential practices of holistic renewal for leaders at any stage of their race.

What Does the News Media Want? Perspectives from the Political Sidelines

23 May 2023 | Ross Hendry

With over 20 years working in government, NGOs, and frontline politics, Ross shares reflections on how the news media is perceived to work (for good and bad) from the perspective of public affairs and considers what might be the Christian’s appropriate faithful response, whether politician, journalist, or public square influencer. The aim is to understand better a different perspective on the news media and practically discuss how to engage positively and effectively and get the most out of those working in politics and the wider public square.

Christ Abides in Our Bodies

22 May 2023 | Eric Johnson

Our relationship with Christ involves our bodies, as well as our souls. One way this happens is the mutual abiding of Christ in the believer and the belief in Christ (Jn 14:23; 15:4). After considering this theme, we’ll finish with an activity.

What is a Human? Different Views About Brains, Minds and Souls

21 May 2023 | Sharon Dirckx

Human identity is a topic for which many different kinds of answers are offered, from different spheres. What exactly are we? Are we merely advanced apes? Are we just machines? Do we have a soul? Some neuroscientists and philosophers hold the view that the brain drives everything about us. All of our thoughts, decisions, memories, even religious beliefs are traceable to the chemical and electrical activity of our brains. What shall we make of this view? What about the mind and soul?

How to Communicate the Christian Worldview in the Public Square

22 May 2023 | Espen Ottosen

For about twenty years Espen Ottosen has been participating regularly in debates in the secular/general media in Norway. In a country like Norway, which is very secularized, standing up for a Christian perspective on same-sex marriage, biotechnical issues, and questions related to sex and gender, is a big challenge. In this talk, Ottosen shares the lessons he’s learned on how to communicate to people in the public square with little knowledge and/or many prejudices about classical Christian belief.

Why Discipleship Is Crucial: The Biblical Vision of How We Change

23 May 2023 | Zefjan Nikolla

Why is it that so many Christians are not spiritually mature? What does a faithful disciple look like according to Scripture? What are some of the most common challenges to discipleship in our lives and ministries? This talk gives a practical strategy for how to grow to maturity in Christ and help others do the same.


Connected Leadership for Experienced Leaders: On Being Human

21 May 2023 | Peter Saunders

What does it mean to be fully human? This talk looks into the biblical perspective of the Imago Dei, contrasting it with the surrounding world view. We explore how distinctive leadership is exercised under Christ and in community.

A Christian Perspective on Environmental Care

23 May 2023 | Daniel Vedder

The question of how humans should relate to the environment is one of the pressing issues of our generation. Climate change and biodiversity loss regularly make the headlines, and spark heated debates across society. As Christians, we need to develop a biblical understanding of creation, both to find out how we should personally respond to environmental crises, but also to be able to engage with the questions of people around us.