Answers to Questions

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Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
What skills do godly leaders demonstrate in the Bible?
John Stevens LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 721 21 May 2017
How can Christians communicate the Christian worldview through the media?
Peter Saunders Communication, Journalism, Media StudiesMedia 00:00:00 1,411 21 May 2017
Why is it essential for a leader to develop a strong inward spiritual life?
Ann Blaser Leadership 00:00:00 994 21 May 2017
Why is the Reformation’s work unfinished?
Leonardo De Chirico History › ... › Reformation 00:00:00 2,800 21 May 2017
Why are Christian leaders particularly vulnerable to sexual temptation?
John Stevens LeadershipOrganisational Leadership 00:00:00 1,471 21 May 2017
In what ways should a Christian event seek to change its participants?
Evi Rodemann Leadership 00:00:00 1,369 21 May 2017
Is there a messianic theme running through stories of superheroes in popular culture?
Khaldoun Sweis Communication, Journalism, Media Studies › ... › Film 00:00:00 1,934 21 May 2017
What is causing many atheists and agnostics to doubt Darwinism?
Peter S. Williams ApologeticsPhilosophical 00:00:00 1,509 21 May 2017
What is a task-oriented focus, and what are its benefits?
Ramez Atallah Leadership 00:00:00 1,248 20 May 2017
How did the Reformation influence western concepts of teaching and education?
Daryl McCarthy History › ... › Reformation 00:00:00 1,003 20 May 2017
