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Test of FAITH: An Accessible Approach to Questions of Science and Christian Faith
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Has science disproved God? Should Christians avoid science? How can we reach non-believers who are convinced that religion has no place in a scientific world? These questions are increasingly important to consider as we seek to reach and disciple people in today’s world. ‘Test of FAITH’ promotes a positive attitude to the interactions of science and Christianity, providing an unparalleled opportunity to explore these questions with contributions from leading scientists who profess a deep Christian faith. Through award-winning, accessible multimedia resources for churches and the wider public, Test of FAITH enables fruitful and informed discussion, encouraging Christians to recognise and celebrate God’s glory as revealed in His creation and in our human endeavours to discover and understand it.
This talk explores some of the topics covered by Test of FAITH and lay firm foundations for a helpful discussion of science and Christianity. Watch to find out how you and your ministry can help others to navigate this important step in their own journey of faith.