Mihail Stefanov

Real name: 
Mihail Stefanov is the assistant pastor at Crossroad’s Church Sofia (crossroadchurch.bg) and the founder of Culture and People (cultureandpeople.eu) – an international consulting firm helping global business leaders transform the culture of their organizations. He has a deep passion for communicating and defending Christ as the only viable option for the redemption and the thriving of humankind. He uses his education and professional background in communications, anthropology, and theology to discover creative and engaging ways to convey Christian truths to the intellectuals and business leaders he works with. In the past several years, Mihail and his team have developed several experimental formats to reach modern urban people with the Gospel as well as to train and empower Christians to become effective communicators of the faith.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Questions: The Ultimate Apologetics Tool
Mihail Stefanov Apologetics 00:00:00 422 26 May 2024
Treasure Hunters: Listening for Worldviews
Mihail Stefanov Apologetics 00:00:00 757 21 May 2023