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Confused, Alone, and Without Purpose: Can This Global Youth Culture Find Truth?

Date & time: 23 Sep 2020, 17:00 GMT | Speaker: Luke Greenwood | Duration: 1 hour 30 min
Topic: Evangelism
Luke Greenwood's picture

The current urban population – connected by consumerism, social media, and the entertainment industry – forms the largest global youth culture ever to exist. It spans the globe, shares the same values, listens to the same music, watches the same movies, and shares the same posts. They do not look to the church for answers but believe it to be a dead and empty tradition of the past. Yet, God’s heart is broken for this lost generation and Christians need to make the message of his love accessible to them. In this webinar, we want to spark a discussion on how local churches can start missional evangelistic movements in secularised cities.

Event ended

Date & time: 23 Sep 2020, 17:00 GMT
Event ended
Recording of the webinar may be available in the Webinar recordings after the event.