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Why Do I Waste My Time Proclaiming the Gospel?
Regardless of the method – whether through a tract or a song, through a sermon or during a one-on-one conversation at a café -- whenever the Gospel message is shared in an accurate and truthful manner, God’s word never returns void. This webinar will focus upon six fruits that are produced whenever God’s message is shared.
But the fruit that God’s word brings forth is the fruit that God wants it to produce. Too often, we predetermine the fruit that we want to see. And when we fail to see the fruit that we decided our efforts should produce, then we jump to one of three devasting conclusions: Either we’re doing something in the wrong way, God is a liar, or God’s promise is good for everyone else but me. We can avoid the doubts, the hand-wrenching, and the self-accusations if we acquaint ourselves with what the Scriptures teach us about the range of fruit that God brings forth whenever His Good News is proclaimed. Once we’re acquainted with those fruits, we should never be crippled by discouragement.
This webinar will focus upon six fruits that are produced whenever God’s message is shared. The fruits of:
- Saving faith
- Biblical division
- The vindication of God’s righteousness
- Sharing God’s compassion for the lost
- Keeping our hands clean and our consciences clear
- Conformity into the image of the Lord
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